Thursday 12 September 2013

Week 12 - Final Progress!

On this week's progress, I contributed my team in the making of ladder diagram for our application. I draw several black dots in each rule which represent a blank space for a statement and a horizontal line to represent a rule. Moreover, I also implemented a feature, in which the icon can be changed to logical AND with NOT by simply touch it once by the user when the icon had been placed into a rule. I also did not forgot to implements the logical OR for statements. Therefore, the user can make a logical OR by simply touching the black dot next to the statements substitute, and touch the black dot on the top of it.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Week 11 - Working on PLC in Android Application

After my team had brainstorming on how we used PLC's ladder diagram into our application, we decided to make it inside a canvas. To start off, we tried to make a simple logical AND which can be improved by implementing logical AND with NOT, and OR later on. Therefore, every condition-action will be represented as one rule in a horizontal line as seen as below:

Sunday 1 September 2013

Week 10 - PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)

On this week, my team finally decided to meet with our client to show our progress. We also would like to tell him that we had icon's swapping bug which cannot be resolved. After we gave him all of our progress and information about the project, he told us to learn about PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) to be used as our application's concept.

I had a research for this new concept for our application and I still find it quite related to our project. In PLC, there is a ladder diagram which consists of logical AND, AND with NOT, and OR. These logical statements were similar with what our client want previously. Therefore, my group members started to think on how to use this ladder diagram to our application.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Week 9 - Unsolved Icon's Swapping Bug

Two weeks had passed, but my team still cannot fix the bug existed in our application. On this week, I tried to find any solution from the internet. However, I did not even find anything useful which at least reduce the impact of this bug. Since it took quite a long time to fix this bug, my team decided to ask about this error to Stack Overflow. Still, there is no clear solution to get rid from this bug until now.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Week 8 - Icon's Swapping Bug! (and Cycle Report 3)

On this week's project progress, my team member named Chandra had modified the application of our project as his contribution on our team. He told us that he had successfully implemented swapping feature to swap icons in a panel. However, he encountered a bug, in which the icon often disappeared when it is swapped to another icon. Since this became a major problem for our project, all of our team members were looking for a solution. Unfortunately, we did not even find any clue to fix this issue!

Although we had this kind of bug in our project, we still have to make the next cycle report to be submitted on the Friday of this week. In this part, I listed all information about delete feature which had been created on the previous week in this document. Finally, we successfully delivered the report before the deadline which was announced on the midnight of this week's Friday.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Week 7 - Delete Feature and GridView Layout

After we had successfully integrate the icons to the application as statements for condition panel and action panel, my team told me to work on delete feature to remove an icon when it had been placed on either condition panel or action panel. During this discussion, we decided to make the delete feature looks similar like Facebook Version 6.0 for iPhone. Therefore, the icon can be removed by dragging it to the delete area at the bottom of the screen.

From this idea, my team member, Hendry, helped me in making this feature by giving me Nicolas Desjardins's Project from the internet that is really useful for me. I took some knowledge from his project and ended up in having a small gray rectangle at the bottom of the screen with trash icon and "Delete" text in it with a little transparency which basically looks like this:

When I had completed this feature, I realized that our project's condition panel and action panel are using Linear Layout which only enables multiple statements in one row. Therefore, I changed their layouts into Grid-View Layout.